!!!Marae Stay!!!!

We went to Tunohopu Marae for 3 days and 2 nights. While we were there we did Mau Rakau with Nikki and we did alot of other stuff too. We did technology with all of the teachers and when we were with mr. Boyd, I made a alien chain but it was itchy. We also did some art too. We stayed close to lake Rotorua and that was a mean cool site to see.

We got there by our parents and we had alot of fun when we went to the museum because we got to watch the movie and we got to get in pairs to figuire out some stuff for our learning journals.We stayed there for about an hour and it was pretty hard finding out all the answers but we got there in the end. We walked back and then we played games until dinner was ready. We had alot of yummy food like bacon and egg pie and roast!!!! YUM. We had mean heaps of fun when we did waka ama because I kept on splashing Marion but I could still touch the ground with my paddle, that was pretty boring. We got to watch bed time story but we had to watch it in the girls dorm. The next day we went to the pools but we had to walk all the way there and back, while we were there we had a mean swim. We were there for like almost 2 hours. When we got back i think we got all of our stuff together to go home. That was a long way back to school though because I was tired.