My Awesome Story Youll Love It!!!!!

Suddenly, out of the darkness I got shoved by Autumasaraus with her gigantic arms and legs. As she ran away from the police for stealing lots of precious gems that controlled the cities power around the world. So I followed her to her hide out and I found all of the gems that powered the world. Once Autumasaraus left I tried to get them but she came back so I ran away. The next day I was with my friend Dannielle. We went for a look but she and her ship were gone. We looked for hours but she was gone. But a few minutes later we saw that in the day Autumasauraus ship went invisible. We found out that the Dino UFO was invisible in the day when we saw the dinosaur came out of his UFO. It was pretty freaky staying there when we knew that that thing was there but we did anyway. At nightfall we finally decided that we were going to sneak in so we waited for awhile till we saw the dinosaur go out so we did. Finally she was gone, now we can go in and take back our gems that she had taken from the towns around the world. The town was terrified because they had just noticed that something or someone had stolen there precious gem so we wanted to do it for our family and friends. When we snuck in we saw the gems, but when we went to go get them we got flown back into the wall because of the force field. When we woke up we found that we were put in a jail cell and the only way we could get out and get the gems out was with something that can be reflected. Suddenly we found this little piece of glass, so we threw it the hardest we could and it went through our force field and the other force and we ran to the gems and grabbed them and took it out. As we were walking out, we saw Autumasaraus and she started shooting at us with her guns so we put the gems in front of us for cover and the bullets went flying back at Autumasaraus. As we were going we pushed the home button for the UFO and then we jumped out before it left. When we go back, we got cheered by the whole town and we got a big prize from the world army association.